Together we can make a difference !
​Coffeeville One Community is 1 people with 1 hope, 1 purpose, 1 vision, and 1 major goal enhanced by 1 person, YOU.
Our Mission
To promote and acquire resources through economic development strategies that will enhance the quality of life for the citizens of Coffeeville and the surrounding communities.
Our Purpose
To work in the initiation, promotion, as well as participation in the identification and acquisition of community improvement and community development opportunities with the mayor and town council of Coffeeville. Serving as an organization of committed individuals dedicated to community improvements for an enhanced quality of life in the town of Coffeeville and surrounding
Coffeeville One Community (COC) began as a committee of organized citizens that came together with representation from across the spectrum of race, religion, and socioeconomic backgrounds for the purpose of community development to initiate discussions about what could be done to generate growth in our small rural community, Coffeeville, AL and the surrounding area.
Coming together in February 2015 as a non-profit, a small group of concerned citizens met and decided to begin with a celebration of pride and support for Coffeeville, in the form of a Coffeeville Day Celebration. The committee was dedicated to promoting community involvement and improving existing programs in Coffeeville, Alabama and the surrounding area. After the second celebration, the committee concluded that more needed to be done, our purpose needed to be better defined, hence the establishment of Coffeeville One Community.
The impact and potential of the Coffeeville One Community Committee, now known as Coffeeville One Community (COC), had been realized. In order to be even more affective the committee decided to formalize its status as a certified 501 (c) (3) organization. Thus Coffeeville One Community (COC) applied for and was granted its new status in 2018 as a subsidiary of the Clarke County Development Foundation (CCDF), and therefore is a certified 501 (c) (3) organization. Our mission is to promote and acquire resources through economic development strategies that will enhance the quality of life for the citizens of Coffeeville and the surrounding communities. We welcome and strive to work cooperatively in our efforts to rebuild our community. As a unified community we are in support of the town council’s efforts to bring industry to Coffeeville.
Initial efforts included the reestablishment of the elementary school, a career training program, a financial institution, (credit union or bank), a grocery store, a pharmacy as well as some type of manufacturing company to enhance employment opportunities within the Coffeeville community. Currently, our primary efforts include the renovation and development of the Coffeeville Community Center, the attraction of business to include but not limited to a grocery store, medical facility and related services, banking, and industry. Additionally, we look to focus on tourism related to activities around the the area's fishing, hunting, and recreational potential. We are confident that the accomplishment of these goals will have a long-term effect and will ensure improved quality of life within Clarke County and the Coffeeville Community.
Let’s Work Together
Can’t attend regular meetings, but want to help, that’s great! You can help in several ways by donating food, prizes, raffle items, or a little of your time.
Many of our events would not be possible without the help of a host of people - local churches, community organizations, families and individuals willing to volunteer.
Board Officers
2024 – 2025
Sherman Goodman - Co-Chair
Brady Kiel - Co-Chair
Tarina Whitfield - Recording & Financial
Richard Williams - Treasurer
Julia Mae Williams - Asst. Treasurer
Diane Bumpers
Lavergne Byers
Loretta Dean
Theresa Hickerson
Winnie James​
Delania Laster
Fabian Shamburger
It Takes a Village
Coffeeville One Community (COC) is extremely grateful for the support that has been received from the community and those listed below who have all helped Coffeeville One Community realize its many goals. Our hope is to build a network of supporters because working together, all things are possible.
Clarke County Development Foundation
Clarke County Parks & Recreation Fdn.
Coffeeville Town Council & Mayor
The Thomas L. Turner Charitable Trust
The Times Democrat
The Alabamian
Bethel Baptist Church
Cedar Point Baptist Church
Center Point Baptist
Church of the Living God
Coffeeville United Methodist
First Baptist Church
Hwy 84 Church of Christ
New Faith Baptist Church
New Prospect Baptist
New Union Baptist Church
Rock Bar Baptist
Ulcanush Baptist Church
Union Baptist Church
Union Grove Baptist
West Bend Baptist
Zion Foundation, Inc.